VPB Therapy

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Change for the better - Tackling insecurities and self-doubt

Do you often find yourself questioning your thoughts, doubting your decisions and struggling with confidence? Are you lacking self-compassion and allowing others’ words and actions to have a negative impact on your self-worth? Is your self-esteem impacted by your critical self-talk and how you relate to yourself? Do you find yourself identifying strongly with particular traits and seeing them as abnormal or shameful?

Negative emotions are a natural part of our emotional repertoire as they are a component of our threat-protection system so we need to learn how to accept, tolerate and cope with them. Our brains are designed to ensure our survival and negative emotions such as anxiety, anger, sadness and fear keep us safe. How you interpret your own beliefs, thoughts and feelings as well as others’ and how you cope with them can have a significant impact on your self-esteem. Making yourself and your emotional health a priority, seeing and accepting yourself as you are while investing in growth and recovery will lead to increased self-worth, self-esteem and confidence.

Self-Esteem Resources

Mayo Clinic - Self-Esteem: Take Steps to Feel Better About Yourself

PsychCentral - 12 Simple Activities You Can Do to Start Building Self-Esteem Today

Social Work Toolbox - Self Esteem Booklet

Dove Self-Esteem Project - My Beauty Story Activity Sheet